Personal Package

Have you ever considered what would happen to you and your family in the event of an injury or premature death of a loved one? When thinking about insurance, we always think about insuring our car and home, but we tend not to neglect insuring ourselves and loved ones as it is our nature to think 'It cannot happen to me'. However, statistics show that the chance of something like this happening is quite high. Premiums for personal insurance can depend on a number of factors such as:
- Age
- Gender
- Occupation
- Health of the life insured and family history
- Lifestyle activities, such as motor sports, football etc.
An underwriter needs to consider all of these things when determining whether or not the insurance company can offer personal insurance cover to clients. EIBL can help in identifying any risks, and determining the most appropriate cover for you at the best price.
Term Life Insurance
Term life insurance is the most common of personal insurance covers. Term life simply provides a lump sum payment in the event that the insured person should die. Cover is 24 hours, anywhere in the world. Most policies contain a "terminal illness benefit" which allows for the lump sum to be paid, before actual death, if the person insured is
diagnosed with a terminal illness. Benefits can be automatically indexed in line with inflation. Incase of death of the life assured, the selected sum is paid to the dependants.
An option also exists to include cover for total and permanent disablement, whereby this benefit is payable should the insured person become totally and permanently disabled.
Health insurance
Different packages for health insurance are also available. We work closely with Momentum Africa and Strategis Insurance (T) Ltd.
Travel Insurance
It covers those who make short trips abroad on business or holiday. A separate policy is available for studies abroad.